Subject To Change

Subject To Change

Sunday, December 8, 2013

For Angel

Angel had a post about how we in "North Texas" flip out when it snows. A lot of my local facebook friends have been posting this.


  1. Hah! I'd really like to laugh condescendingly, but our local grocery store looked about that bad and we didn't get squat but low temps.

  2. My son works at Wally World and that isn't far from the truth. Lots of trucks stuck on the highways for several days.

    1. Yeah, I heard a lot of truckers spent the night on the road in their trucks.

  3. Not to say that Dallas copes well with wintry weather --- there is legitimate ground for mockery there --- but half an inch of snow was neither the forecast nor what happened. The forecast was something like half an inch of ice from freezing rain, and in the event I think there was somewhat more than that, mixed with some sleet and snow. Days later I walked across the lawn without breaking through the crust of ice, and there's still a fair amount of snow and ice around today, nearly a week later.
